
The Eloy Fire District continues its efforts to keep local businesses safe from fire by conducting annual fire code inspections. Not all occupancies receive an inspection. The list is compiled by the City of Eloy Building Department. We also inspect any building that a business is moving into, regardless of the age of the building. In addition, we inspect all new construction, including homes.  If you wish to have an inspection done and are not on the list, please feel free to contact the Fire District office at (520) 466-3544 to schedule an inspection.

We offer CPR/First Aid training and certification through ASHI (American Safety and Health Institute). CPR/First Aid classes are designed around the individual needs from adult layperson to CPR Pro for the healthcare provider. The cost is $40.00 per student for CPR and First Aid or $25.00 for each class taught separately, but this fee can vary. The CPR/First Aid certification is good for two years. Please feel free to contact our office at (520) 466-3544 for additional information.

We are offering home safety inspections to anyone who wants one. The inspection is free of charge. Our firefighters will come to your home whenever it is convenient and point out any concerns related to fire hazard and life safety. Just give us a call at (520) 466-3544, Monday thru Friday, from 8:00am to 5:00pm and schedule your inspection. NO CITATIONS WILL BE ISSUED.

To schedule a service please call us at: (520) 466-3544